Tommy Walker Tommy Walker

Give Him The Glory

Early in the morning when the sun is rising
In the middle of the day when it’s shining bright
Later in the evening when the sun is setting
And later in the midnight hour we will make it louder (we’ll)

Give Him the glory
Give Him the honor
Give Him the glory

Give Him the praise
Give Him the glory
Give Him the honor
Give it to the one from whom all blessings flow

For every single time we thought our life was over
That nothing good would ever, ever come to us again
But then like the rushing of His mighty Spirit’s wind
He brought His love and hope and joy to us again
(So we will)

Give Him the glory
Give Him the honor
Give Him the glory

Give Him the praise
Give Him the glory
Give Him the honor
Give it to the one from whom all blessings flow

For all of the blessings that we know are yet to come
For all of the victories
His love and grace, for us He’s won
And for that glorious day when all our work here’s done
We’ll kiss this world goodbye and as we’re flying high
(We will)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost